A Starry Night!
A winter night it was, stars lit the jet black blanket of the night sky while the moonlight perfectly pierced its way through the dense leaves of the once summer flower tree, dancing on the beautiful snow blanket that covered the street. It was a quiet night, so quiet that one could even hear silence. There was no life around, except for my friends and me, and of course some bats and owls here and there. It was a perfect surrounding to spend the night in, though none of us bothered to notice that, busy as we were engrossed in our talks. It was New Year's Eve. I suggested walking down the street and recalling memories that once bound all of us together. We were best friends in college, distanced as we all went apart to write our lives. Dancing and laughing as we all went down the street adding voice to the quiet-still night, we recalled our late-night college diaries, discussing how life had changed for all of us, how we forgot to smile, live and have fun the way we used to, ...