
Showing posts from July, 2020

Is it just ME they Bully?

Bullying- Google describes bullying as an act of seeking to harm, intimidate or coerce someone, perceived as vulnerable.  But is bullying just that? While physical bullying is the most obvious form of bullying and can be seen or felt, mental bullying is kind of complex. At times, even the person who's being bullied doesn't realize how it's impacting them.  So in my school days, I used to be this quiet person who was almost non- existent in class. I used to sit in one corner and be super indulged in my books. I swear when I say this, I wouldn't even notice period changes or lunch breaks. At any spare minute of my school time, I'd pull up a book and start reading! But no, I wasn't always like that, I loved making friends, just I didn't get people who would want to be friends with me, maybe I was awkward, I still am, in small talks.  Back in school days, as we grew older, concepts of double meaning, short skirts, improper uniform style, and high ponytails were ...