Just about last night, I came across this post on Instagram "Everyone teaches us to say No, but no one teaches us to accept no" That is so true. 

But there was only one thought that crossed my mind while reading that...can acceptance really be taught? Or do we learn it with real-time experience, having been through a failure, a break-up, a non-promotion, a rejection? 

Why do we fear failure? Why do we fear rejection? Why is it that we are on a constant quest to just get what we desire? Why can't we simply accept things the way they are? 

Has it ever occurred to you, I'm going in for an exam and, if I fail that exam, what would my next strategy be? Or is it just the usual, I have given my 100%, rest is luck? Or I am gonna get this. 

We all are taught to be optimistic, right? But has anyone ever questioned that we might be losing out on what's real while chasing that optimism, and in ways weakening our power to accept things the way they are? 

So, most of my school time, I was an introverted kid. When I really came out of that shell, I was boom, vice head girl. From nowhere to being everywhere in school... Then the year after that senior perfect, then an all India entrance rank, admission to one of the top colleges. I was aiming I was achieving. It was going well, almost so well that I had gotten into the self-belief that I can't lose in anything. Well, that is never true. I was chasing optimism while letting go of what was real. 

In a constant quest to be perfect in everything, and to just get what I wanted, I stumbled upon Reality. I failed, Yes. I didn't accept it, obviously. I had a thousand reasons for how everything and everyone around me was wrong or had contributed to that failure, but I was on the right path. Nothing done by me was wrong. 

But Reality wasn't kind. It wasn't long when I had to finally accept the truth that it was time for me to visit FailureLand. 

Gosh, we are so happy to visit Successland or AmbitiousLand and so proudly announce it to everyone. Then why fear or be embarrassed to reveal our trip to FailureLand or RejectionLand. (I know it's weird to call them 'land' but I do believe; failure, rejection, or break-up is more of a phase with multiple elements than just that one event). 

That failure, yes it was nerve-wracking, stressful, distressful, and embarrassing (well, that's all the adjectives I could think of). But it taught me many other more fruitful lessons that most people learn quite late in life. 

It taught me acceptance. It taught me to dream high while staying in touch with what's real. It taught me self care. It taught me mind control. It taught me to let go of fear. It taught me to let go of self presumed judgment. No, the world isn't that rude. No, they are not judging you for how you are doing in your life, they are already busy managing their own. Henceforth that failure, I do proudly say, I took a trip to FailureLand, and yes, it did give me the most joyous ride ever.


  1. Replies
    1. Good, seems to be written after facing genuine practical experiences of the life by author/ blogger.

  2. Beautifully written and articulated. Failure truly teaches us great life lessons, it brings the greatest pain but also transforms us for the better.


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